Thursday, 29 August 2013

Days one and two!

Right, well I better start writing!
It's currently the morning of my third day cycling. Its still sunny and my bum isn't that sore!

I set off from Holyhead on the 27th extremely optimistic, despite finding it difficult to steer with the load on my bikes. I made it half way across Anglesey before that optimism left me as I struggled to get up hills. I pulled over for a panad and a bit to eat (a “panad" is a colloquial term for a cup of tea)

Feeling refreshed I carried on getting as far as penmaenmawr before deciding that I had to shed some weight. I put over half my clothes in courier boxes and sent them back home. I then got as far as Llandudno Junction before realising I needed to shed even more weight! Luckily for me the family were on their way back from Liverpool SL they .et me and I gave them another couple of kilos worth of stuff (including my laptop).

After that second dropping of unnecessary I found it a lot easier to get on and I cycled as far as abergele before camping for the night.

The place I stayed at was nice, a small farm in the centre of abergele that you had to go through a castle to get to!

The second day I cycled along the coast again past Rhyl where I was joined by a Scotsman for a good couple of miles! We chatted about bike related topics and he left me to head up the cycle route 5 we'd been following along the coast. I should have followed my instinct and carried along the coast by cause this route almost killed me. it was straight up hill for about 10 miles. after wasting time there I cut down and headed towards the coast again before stopping off for lunch!

After that I cycled to Chester before catching the train to Milton Keynes. once in Milton Keynes, I spent another hour riding to where I am now.

I have to apologise about how concise this blog is, but without my laptop its quite difficult to write lengthy blogs!

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