Saturday, 28 September 2013

Görlitz then Wroclaw!

So I headed off from Dresden following the B6 pretty much all the way to Görlitz. This time, however, instead of following what Google maps had directed, I actually just stayed on the major trunk (I never saw any signs prohibiting cyclists and plenty of police where around and not one of them said a thing)

The weather was cool but sunny. I find once I get going that I start to heat up pretty quickly, in no small part to the Helly Henson thermals I've got from my Dad!

The roads were perfect. I think if I were to go back and do this again I would stay on major roads. The bike, and more specifically the pannier racks, wasn't designed for cobbles, potholes and dirt tracks. Annoyingly, I seemed to have lost a piece off the new front pannier rack. Its like a spacer/washer, but its screwed back in and I've secured both front and back racks with cable ties. God I love cable ties! Most of the bike is covered in them! From the GPS mount to the bike computer to extra storage, cable ties hold the lot on! (That reminds, I need to buy some more! And maybe some duct tape)

Later on in the day there were a few showers and the wind picked up.

I got to Görlitz in good time and I caught a train to Wroclaw!

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