Monday, 9 September 2013

Slogging it out...

So the last two days have been pretty much the hardest I've had so far!

Sunday morning I was pretty much resigning to the fact I'd be getting a train from Hagen to wherever eastwards because the rain wasn't just pouring, it was flooding the air!! It was silly how far up the rain was bouncing of the tarmac!

Either that or stay another day in the hostel.

Regardless, I packed up, checked out and started loading the bike up. I thought sod it, might as well *try* and cycle a bit (at least make my train fare cheaper.

So as per usual I got lost for the first half hour before getting my bearings and headed north east. My aim was to get to Kessal but early on I realised that this wasn't gonna happen. I just wasn't getting anywhere fast. Is it because of the ground being wet or me being cold and my knees showing there age? Either way I was crawling along and aching too!!

I'm actually really glad that I cycled because It turned out a real nice day. I was soaking from the damp in the air and my sweat from wearing a plastic coat but apart from that I was warm! My knees had stop hurting too!!

Nothing else to report about the ride really, apart from getting caught in the occasional shower!

I ended up in a place called Paderborn and stayed in a beautiful hostel, paid the receptionist in some soggy/sweaty Euros and after dragging my half tonne of baggage to my room went to find some food. Found the WIERDEST chippy I will ever likely find! It wasn't that was dirty or anything. It was just so.. I can't put my finger on it.. It wouldn't have been amiss from League if Gentlemen's Royston Vaisey.. Don't get me wrong the lady serving me was lovely, she really appreciated my attempts at ordering in German despite her speaking fluent English but even she was odd..

Anyway. I digress, after food I pretty much zonked out at about 2300.. Didn't wake up til 0700 - just in time for breakfast!

I left the hostel at about 10. I really need to start leaving earlier but after having breakfast I like to just chill for a bit and it takes ages to repack the bike!

I reallllyyy struggled today. I don't know what was wrong with me but I normally cruise at around 12mph but today I was struggling getting up to 9mph.. I whinged about it a bit on Facebook which never actually any better about it. I really didn't think I was putting less effort in and out of nowhere I started getting averages of about 15mph then 26mph.. On flats!! Earlier on I couldn't even get 10mph going down hill!! it was so bizarre. There was no wind behind me. It had even began to rain.. I didn't get it!

I managed to cover some good distance in the time I had become some sort of superman but it wasn't long before I was cycling over my kryptonite. German cycle paths.

I was forced on them for quite a few miles due to the weather conditions and heaviness of traffic. I hate them! Really, I do! Im sorry if any Germans read this but you've not got a scratch on your Belgian/Dutch neighbours!

Anywho.. again, I realised I wouldn't get to my destination before sunset. So I'm currently in a hostel in Hildesheim. Short of the destination I'd set myself. Tomorrows destination - Wolfenbüttel!

Yes ladies and gemtlemen, tomorrow I'm taking a day off for some tourism!! “What kind of tourism?" I hear you ask!

Tomorrow I'll be heading (with any luck) to the Jägermeister factory (distillery)! I'm actually reeeeeeeally excited! Not because I'm your stereotypical binge drinker who'll make all his friends jealous (although both statements are true) but because I genuinely love seeing how things are made! I could watch that programme on Quest for hours (I won't name the programme ha ha). Plus the prospect of a testing is really whetting my whistle!

As always, thanks for reading! Also a big thanks to those who are constantly giving me support and words of wisdom..! I'll try and get you a souvenir from Jäger!

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